Clearview Improvement and Service District
"Serving All Our District People With Integrity."
Through Honesty, Trust, Professionalism and Responsibility
The Clearview Improvement and Service District was formed by petition and approved by the Sweetwater County Commission on April 9, 1985 and organized under Wyoming State Statute 18-12-101-140, Improvement and Service Districts. The purpose of the District is to provide for the collection of waste water and for the delivery of potable water to the residents of the District and to adjacent residential and commercial areas.
Waste Water Processing
Rock Springs Municipal Utility and CISD are under binding agreement that sets forth the terms and conditions, in which the City agrees to receive and treat raw sewage generated by CISD. CISD generated 12.06 million gallons of raw sewage in 2021.
Potable Water Distribution
The Sweetwater County Joint Powers Water Board is the reginal purveyor of potable water. The JPWB owns and operates a 32 MGD surface water treatment plant, delivering water to 2 cities, 4 districts, and an industrial customer. CISD delivered 35.52 million gallons of potable water to residents and businesses in 2021.
Get in touch
If you need to contact the District please fill out the form below. Please contact Debbie if you wish to be placed on the agenda for the upcoming monthly meeting. 48 hours advance notice is appreciated. Monthly meetings are held every 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00pm at the District office located at 117 Mountain View Drive.